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Beauty Salon West Island

Our Beauty Salon West Island, is just a stones throw away from the Fairview Shopping Center, in Pointe Claire.


Like most beauty salons, we have our own, unique, culture.


What defines ours, is...


...a passion for the art of HairBeauty and Nails.


...a devotion to making each clients’ visit

an enjoyably comfortable experience. active participation with the charities

in the west Island community.


...a respect for the well being of the environment

and all living things.


                             TO HAIR AND BEAUTY"


It’s our forward thinking that has often made us the first Beauty Salon, in the West Island, to introduce the newest trends.


We have been known to first scrutinize them without mercy, before making our choice. After all, we only accept the best for our clients.


Some of our firsts have been...


...Eyelash Extensions

...Keratin Smoothing Systems

...Advanced Nail Art.

So whether you choose reach us pidgeon...smoke signal...or just drop in to our Beauty Salon, we will always do our best to answer ALL your beauty questions.


Till then, why not see if it's




It's fun and informative




Dan Anton


Peace, Love, Health

and Happiness

                     "RESPECT FOR THE PLANET

                                   AND ALL LIVING THINGS"


We are proud to have been the first Beauty Salon in the West Island to be a “certified” member of ‘Green Circle Salons’.


“Green Circle Salons” is a recycling program that is specific to the Beauty Salon industry. Their collections not only include chemical waste but hair clippings, which are used in the making of “Booms”. These booms are capable of absorbing 100% of any oils spilled. Once saturated, they are collected and processed, where 95% of the oil is extracted for refinement.


How COOL is that?


To learn more visit

           "WHEN YOU BECOME

                   AN ANTON DESIGNS CLIENT,

                            YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF

                                         A PROFESSIONAL FAMILY"


We feel that getting an outstanding Salon service should come with an outstanding experience.


That is why we demand the same high standards in our employee’s people skills, as well as, their beauty salon and hair salon skills. This criteria not only guarantees a pleasant professional/client relationship, but also inter-employee relationships.


What can I say...


...we all love working with each other as a team. a professional family.

                "ALL THINGS COME AND GO,

                         BUT GOOD DEEDS LAST FOR EVER“


At ANTON DESIGNS we support many West Island charities.


Some of the these are...

...West Island Community Shares

...West Island Cancer Wellness Center

...Cedars Breast Cancer Clinic.


So whether it’s helping one clients’ cause, or a big organization,

we are always ready to do our part


After all..


"Every Nickel Counts"


(you see what I did there?

Cause the penny doesn't exist any more)


Like to know more about our Hair Salon and Beauty Salon West Island?


Call us @ 514-694-1884

and book your

FREE personalized consultation.

Call / Appelez


Anton Designs.16983 Trans Canada, Kirkland Quebec, H9H 5J1 

Serving D.D.O., Kirkland, Pierrefonds, Montreal Ville St.Laurent, St.Anne de Belleview, Ile Perrot, Vaudreuil, Alexandria, Hawksbury, Ottawa

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